Mobility 21 Day Challenge

Mobility 21 Day Challenge

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What if your body could move freely, efficiently, and pain free? Well my friends - we can make it happen! Let’s work on it … together :) Read on to learn how …

Keep your joints happy & healthy - and your body moving efficiently and pain-free. That’s the focus of this 21 day Mobility Challenge. Mobility describes how well we are able to move our bodies (joints and muscles) freely through their full range of motion. A body that moves at its best is going to function efficiently, safely, and pain free. 

Here’s the deal friends - Having good mobility is a key component to living a healthy life. Want to feel good in your body and make your daily activities easier & safer? Let’s work on our mobility … together for 21 days.

Here’s how the challenge works:

Each day I’ll be posting a mobility session with a demo video showing the moves of the day.

These sessions are something anyone - at any age - and any fitness level can do. Each day I list out and demo the moves. Then it’s up to you to go at it - you control your speed. You control how long you hold stretches and movements. Do what feels good in your body. Each of us will be tight in different places, and will connect with different moves. Do the ones that feel good and helpful to you. 

Please NOTE - if you have specific pain or are dealing with an injury - I recommend being assessed by a physio or professional that can create a personalized plan for you. This challenge is more of an overall mobility plan - geared to most.

Ready to rock your mobility?  Let's do this ...

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