Gold Star 21 Day Challenge

Gold Star 21 Day Challenge

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Growing up, what did we all love? We LOVED the feeling of EARNING a sticker!

When we did something good, we got a gold star sticker to recognize it. Whether we did an assignment well in school and our teacher put a sparkly, smiley sticker on our work, or we did our chores and our parents put a sticker on our chart. What kids do for those adorable stickers - is amazing!

And what’s more amazing - those silly stickers work with adults too! It’s in our human upbringing to want to be rewarded & recognized for our actions. Also - the fear of missing out on a reward, even as small as a sticker, is just as motivating.

Our secret, and most effective tool, that we've used to help literally thousands of clients get started and stick to their fitness & health goals - is a simple gold star sticker.

Sounds crazy? Want to try it out? I challenge you to! What will YOU do to earn your sticker? 

Join the Challenge!  Here's what you'll get ... 

  • 21 Day Calendar of workouts
  • Daily workout videos to guide you through the workouts
  • Daily motivation messages to help keep you on track

Welcome to the 21 Day 🌟 GOLD STAR 🌟 Challenge!

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